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PROFINET I / O modulok

Results per page 91872 | Sort by Price Highest / Lowest
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8-Channel Isolated AI EtherNet/IP Module
  1. EtherNet/IP protocol
  2. High common mode voltage 200 VDC
  3. Isolation Protection: 2,500 VDC
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)


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8-Channel Isolated AI PROFINET Module
  1. PROFINET protocol
  2. High common mode voltage 200 VDC
  3. Isolation Protection: 2,500 VDC
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)


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15-ch Isolated Digital I/O EtherNet/IP Module
  1. EtherNet/IP protocol
  2. 8-ch digital input and 7-ch digital output (sink)
  3. Normal output current: 0.1 A (per channel)
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)


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8-Channel Isolated DI/O PFOFINET Module
  1. PROFINET protocol
  2. 8-ch digital input and 7-ch digital output (sink)
  3. Normal output current: 0.1 A (per channel)
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)


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16-Channel Isolated DI PROFINET Module
  1. PROFINET protocol
  2. 16-ch digital input
  3. Normal output current: 0.1 A (per channel)
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)


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16-Channel Isolated DO PROFINET Module
  1. PROFINET protocol
  2. 16-ch digital output
  3. Normal output current: 0.1 A (per channel)
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)


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6-ch Relay Output EtherNet/IP Module
  1. EtherNet/IP protocol
  2. 6-ch Form C relay output
  3. Breakdown voltage: 500 VAC (50/60 Hz)
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)
  5. Contact Rating: 5 A @ 250 VAC; 5 A @ 30 VDC


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6-Channel Relay PFOFINET Module
  1. PROFINET protocol
  2. 5 Form C and 1 Form A/B relay output
  3. Breakdown voltage: 500 VAC (50/60 Hz)
  4. 2 x RJ-45 LAN (daisy chain)
  5. Contact Rating: 5 A @ 250 VAC; 5 A @ 30 VDC


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